
jeudi 5 septembre 2013

Bodybuilding Supplements – Are They Worth It?

For a lengthy time I wondered if I should use bodybuilding supplements or just build muscle mass 100% in the natural way. Now that its been a while since I started and I understand the real nature of bodybuilding, I think I can help you to understand whether or not you must use some extra protein or other products to help you grain more muscle faster.

The Wrights Brothers (the creators of the first successful airplane) believed that they needed to build a plane which could first fly via itself and without the help of an engine. They realized that if they could get something to fly via itself, then they could add the engine to propel it further and faster through the air.
Now the same goes for bodybuilding. Before you buy bodybuilding supplements, you must make sure that you can workout just fine without them. You must optimize other parts of your plan and then you can put an engine (supplements) on your progress. Because if you just stick a large engine of something which doesnt fly – it will not work.
To give you an example, I now use Optimum Nutritions 100% Whey Protein powder. But I never did for years in the beginning. This is because I couldnt just consume supplements and expect to get results. First I needed a solid diet plan and workout routine, then I needed to give myself the motivation to push to the point of failure via myself.
Once I got to this level and Id already got bigger in size and mass, I began to use a few protein products so that I could get extra gains on top of what I already had. You notice, that via this time I already had had some success and wasnt new to working out and building muscle. This is key, because so lots of people just think that via eating bodybuilding products they will suddenly turn into the incredible hulk -false.

In fact, when wanna-be bodybuilders just consume protein powder and do not workout – they get fat. And because they havent been doing kind of proper workout routine, they can not shake that fat off again so theyre in a far worse position than when they started!
So to conclude this article, I just want to make clear what Ive been saying. Okay, so Im not saying that you should never start using bodybuilding supplements, Im just saying that its in your best interests to first make sure that you can build muscle via designing a great eating plan and exercise routine first

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